• Benazeera1*, Shlipa G.S2, Umarani.J3 1post graduate, Department of paediatric Nursing 2Lecturer, Department of paediatric Nursing 3Associate professor, Department of paediatric Nursing


Resuscitation of the neonate presents a different set of challenges than resuscitation of the adult or even the older infant or child. For resuscitation measures consider being successful, it requires accurate understanding by the nursing students working in the delivery room, postnatal and neonatal units to have adequate skills for prompt neonatal resuscitation technique. The research design adopted for the study was descriptive research design. The study was conducted in selected Nursing College at Mangalore. The samples comprised of 100 nursing students. The samples were selected using purposive sampling technique. Data was collected using demographic proforma, structured knowledge questionnaire on neonatal resuscitation. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: (69%) were had average knowledge regarding neonatal resuscitation, (60.50%) were had adequate knowledge on meaning structure and functions regarding neonate, (50.36%) were had knowledge on initiation step of neonatal resuscitation technique and (35.50%) were had adequate knowledge regarding applying chest compression during neonatal resuscitation. The study concluded that Nursing students, as the key personnel in acquiring adequate knowledge regarding management of neonatal resuscitation, practical training programme regarding neonatal resuscitation should consider in the nursing education to ensure acceptable neonatal outcome.

Key words: Knowledge, Neonatal Resuscitation, Students

How to Cite
Umarani.J3B. S. G. (2014). ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT’S KNOWLEDGE ON NEONATAL RESUSCITATION. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(2). Retrieved from
Research Articles